
How To Propagate Elephant Ear Plant

Loved for their larger than life leaves, Elephant Ear Plants are a bang-up argument piece for every room. There are and then many reasons why you might want to propagate your Elephant Ear Plant, from gifting cuttings to friends and family unit, selling them online or simply multiplying your houseplant drove. In this postal service, we will go through how to propagate an Elephant Ear Institute, giving you a step by step guide every bit well as all of our top tips along the way.

Is propagating an Elephant Ear Plant difficult?

Although their care requirements can sometimes be difficult to manage, Elephant Ear Constitute propagation is a breeze. There aren't that many steps involved or opportunities for things to go wrong if you follow the right steps. Some other of import thing to minimise any issues is to proceed a close center on your plant subsequently the propagation process to make sure that the care and surroundings adapt their needs as they can be quite sensitive for a few weeks later on division.

What methods can I use to propagate my Elephant Ear Plant?

The but downside to the Elephant Ear Establish propagation process is that there is only really one good method to do it; division of the mother constitute. This ways that yous need quite a mature plant to propagate. Either you have a plant that has several natural divisions, or yous'll need to actually slice the plant in two, only more on that below!

How to propagate an Elephant Ear Establish through the sectionalisation method

  • 1

    Remove your Elephant Ear Institute from its pot

    Earlier removing your Elephant Ear Constitute from its pot, it's important to bank check the bottom of the pot to see if the roots are growing out of the drainage holes. If they are, simply pulling your plant out of its pot volition break these roots. Instead, carefully untangle them and thread them through the drainage holes. If they aren't coming complimentary, you might need to cut through the pot to release your plant.

  • 2

    Shake off the soil from the root system

    You demand to be able to locate the various offshoots of your Elephant Ear Plant to propagate it so remove the bulk of the potting mix from the roots. A good fashion is to loosely run your fingers through the root arrangement, shaking the roots slightly to divide them.

  • 3

    Separate your Elephant Ear Plant into sections

    Information technology'southward OK if you need to cutting through the odd modest and sparse root to practise this (brand sure you use pruning pair of scissors though). You want to avert cutting also many big roots equally this can have an bear on on your found's health and maturity.

    If your Elephant Ear Plant only has one central section, then in society to propagate information technology you'll need to carefully slice this in ii. Make sure that both sections have strong roots attached every bit this volition significantly increment your chances of successful propagation.

  • 4

    Pot your new plant in a loftier-quality potting mix

    Place your mother plant dorsum in its pot and add a little fresh potting mix to fill the gap where your new plant used to be. If y'all have removed quite a lot of your mother plant, you might want to downsize the pot to avert problems with drainage.

    Then pot your new Elephant Ear Institute in fresh potting mix, making sure information technology has some room to grow into.

  • v

    Continue normal Elephant Ear Plant care

    That'due south everything! We told you it was an easy procedure. Yous can now begin to treat your Elephant Ear Plant as you lot would your original mother plant. Brand sure to keep a close eye on it for a few weeks though to make sure that there aren't whatever problems creeping upward. Requite your new Elephant Ear Found plenty of sunshine and warmth to encourage new root and foliage growth.

Is information technology possible to propagate an Elephant Ear Constitute from a single leaf cutting?

Unfortunately, it'due south non possible! We are every bit gutted as you! There needs to be a central function of the found rather than only a stalk or foliage which means that division is the merely existent option.

What fourth dimension of twelvemonth is all-time for Elephant Ear Plant propagation?

This is where the partitioning method gives yous a real benefit as you can pretty much propagate all year effectually. For other houseplants, where you might be propagating them with stem cuttings or leaf cuttings, you will want to exercise it in spring then that the warm sunny months assistance root growth. Doing it in the warmer months does decrease some of the risks for Elephant Ear Plant propagation but it's not essential.

This is everything you demand to know to propagate your Elephant Ear Plant, before you know it, you lot'll have plenty of new plants populating your abode.

To learn more virtually how to care for your constitute once propagated, bank check out our Elephant Ear Plant care guide.

Written by Billy Dawson


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